Classic Car Club of America


Oregon Region


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Oregon Region Classic Car Club of America - all rights reserved.




Director’s Message

Welcome to the Oregon Region, Classic Car Club of America website.  The Oregon Region generally serves classic car enthusiasts from Oregon and SW Washington, but we have members from Canada and other states around the country.  We have one prerequisite—you must love old cars and enjoy being with others that enjoy them as well.  You need not own a classic car to join, but I can assure you, you will soon want one.

The The Oregon Region is a very active club.  We meet monthly in the Portland area and have other activities most months.  Key events include a Valentine’s Day Brunch, a spring overnight tour, a strawberry social in June, several car shows, an annual 8-day tour in September, a Halloween party, Holiday party and much more.  We have great participation in these events, and are always looking for new people to join.

As a member of the Oregon Region, you will also become a member of the Classic Car Club of America (CCCA) and receive its many benefits.  Go to  There are 29 regions throughout the U.S.  and a beautiful classic car club museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan (

We welcome prospective members to join us at one of our monthly meetings or activities.  For more information, contact Howard Freedman at (503) 234-8617 or Bill Jabs at (971) 235-3804

Bill Jabs, Director