Classic Car Club of America


Oregon Region



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Copyright 2003 - 2004 Oregon Region Classic Car Club of America - all rights reserved.





Members and guests present: Howard Freedman, John Imlay, Larry Cox, Bill Price, Matt & Karla Hackney, Bill Jabs, Roger & Chris Wooley


Due to light attendance, the meeting was informally called to order at 6:55 pm by Director Bill Jabs.


Secretary’s Report: A motion was passed to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Howard Freedman reported a gross bank balance of $9,803.05 of which $2,100.00 remains to be paid out for the fall tour leaving a net balance of $7,703.05.


Sunshine Report: There was some discussion regarding the health of some of our members including Larry Schick, Roy Asbahr, and Dave Walmer.  Details are intentionally left out of these minutes.  Matt mentioned the passing of George Riehl and the disposition of his collection.  Bill Jabs also announced that his step-daughter is now engaged to Dave Walmer.  Congrats!


Activities Report: Bill Jabs discussed the upcoming Valentine’s Brunch on February 10th.  Cost will be the same as last year, $32.50, and the flyer will be coming out soon.


Membership Report: Nothing to report.


Tours Report: Bill asked if we have a specific two-day spring tour planned.  Larry reviewed the minutes from the planning meeting stating that the tour, while not yet specifically laid out, would be around the Eugene area to enable us to visit a restoration shop.  Bill said he would call George Potter for some ideas.

Howard discussed the September tour stating that he was still working on securing lodging and facilities.  He plans to take a preliminary run sometime in March.


Webmaster Report: Nothing to report.


Publications Report: Bill stated that Larry Schick would continue as our editor along with his wife, however, Larry’s daughter Laura would no longer be able to contribute due to her very busy schedule.  The next issue of the Hood Release is in the works.


Old Business:  While there was nothing specific that could be labeled as new or old business, there was a fair amount of miscellaneous car talk. 

Matt mentioned that Chris Cataldo recently purchased a 1941 Packard 160 touring Sedan (1904).

Bill Jabs recently added another to his collection, a 1933 Club Sedan which is currently having some things done including a new vinyl roof insert.  That work is being done by a guy in Salinas, CA who apparently does very good work and is reasonable… for California.


New Business: Bill mentioned that he got a call from Bob Earls who indicated that The Bomber Restaurant in Milwaukie has a private dining room that might work very well for our club meetings.  It is conveniently located for several members, so Bill suggested that we meet there next month to try it out.  It was also noted that the B-17G aircraft, for which the restaurant is famous, is currently under restoration. 


Program: - Bill and Matt’s Excellent Adventure – The evening concluded with a program by Bill Price and Matt Hackney about their 1953 Packard Caribbeans.  John Imlay piloted the slide show to accompany their spiel.  That slide presentation will be posted on the website. 


The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm