Members and Guests present:
Rodger & Jan Eddy, Howard & Evelyn Freedman, Bob &
Frankie Douglas, Bill Jabs, Matt Hackney, Bob Earls Bill
Price, John Imlay, Dave Charvet and Larry Cox
Director Bill Jabs called the meeting to order at 7:10
Secretary’s Report:
A motion was passed to dispense with reading last
month’s meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Howard Freedman reported a gross treasury
balance of $8,423.58 of which $623.65 belongs to the
fall tour leaving a net balance of $7,799.93. He said
that the fall tour is currently oversold by one person.
Sunshine Report:
Larry Cox reported that Dave Walmer is in the hospital
with a serious intestinal problem. Doctors have not yet
decided what course of action needs to be taken.
Bhagwan Mayer has developed a serious condition that
involves a leaking aorta that had been repaired twenty
years ago. Further tests need to be completed before
doctors will know the details of a pending heart
Activities Reports:
Bill Jabs passed around a sign-up sheet for the upcoming
Strawberry Social on Saturday June 16th.
He said that Rodger Eddy will lead the tour from Mall
205 where we will meet at 10:00 am and depart at 10:30
am to travel to Dabney Park. Bring a picnic lunch and
$10 per person for strawberry shortcake and ice cream
Bob Douglas reported that the next Summer Cruise-In is
to Pacific Health and Rehab on Friday June 15th.
Check flyer for details and map on getting there.
Bob also reported on three upcoming events at the
Portland Art Museum:
“The Shape of Speed” will be there from June 16th
thru September 16th. Go to their website for
“Motorcycles in the Park” will be in the park across the
street from the museum on June 24th.
“Cars in the Park” “
“ “
“ on July 8th.
Bill Price and Matt Hackney said that our next
membership meeting will be a BBQ at Dabney Park on July
Tours Report:
Howard Freedman reported that Jan Taylor has gone all
out to insure our two days on Whidbey Island during the
fall tour would be busy and fun. He said that the tour
cost will be about $1,500 per couple.
Membership Report:
Bill Price had no new membership activity to report.
Newsletter Editor’s Report:
In Larry Schick’s absence, Howard Freedman reported that
the next Hood Release is close to being
finished and will feature an article about Alex Haugland
and his ’38 Bentley.
Old Business/New Business:
Howard Freedman said that Dennis Gilman had attempted to
make it to the Schnitzer-Robison cruise-in on the 6th
but had car trouble in Tigard and had to be towed back
to Salem.
John Imlay reported on a very slick electronic turn
signal unit that he took off of his car to demonstrate
at the meeting.
Evening Program:
There was no specific program but a great conversation
followed the meeting that included many car related
things of interest.
Bill Jabs adjourned the meeting at about 8:00 pm. |