Classic Car Club of America


Oregon Region



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Copyright 2003 - 2004 Oregon Region Classic Car Club of America - all rights reserved.






Members and guests present: John and Margy Imlay, Bill Jabs, Larry and Pat Cox, Chris Cataldo, Howard Freedman and Tamera Krajewski, Joe Block, Dave Charvet, Sharon and Paul Lawson, Dave Walmer, John and Georgia Mitchell, Matt Hackney, Joe Munsch

The meeting was called to order at 7:04PM by Bill Jabs.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the last meeting were not read.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s reports for both clubs were deferred.  Howard will send info next day.  Club treasuries are very close in amount.

Sunshine Report:

-          Larry asked Dave Walmer to report on George Choban who fell recently and fractured his hip.  Dave had spent the day with him.  Since both hips were previously replaced, his condition is inoperable.  Susie has had some memory episodes as well.  John Imlay sent a card to George on behalf of both clubs.  Dave says George sends his “hello” to all of us. 

Activities/Tours Report:

-          The tour to the Clarey collection is coming up in March.  John Mitchell will be coordinating and Joe Munsch will be leading the tour out.  Details will be forthcoming.

-          Joe Munsch spoke about the April 23rd tour to Canby and SMS upholstery. We’ll meet in Lake O and tour around the lake before heading for the Canby Ferry.  He will double check to make sure the ferry is running. 

-          John I. talked about the May 21/22 tour to Eugene and he will be leading the tour down via the west side of I-5.  Stop for lunch in Veneta, may also stop for a brief winery visit before arriving in Eugene where George Potter will take over the tour before ending up at Jasper State Park for a BBQ and car show with the EVAC.  More details and a flyer will be coming. 

-          Bill spoke about the May 7th Portland Transmission show.  It’s quite a show and only lasts a few hours.  It’s really worth attending.

-          Joe Munsch also talked about the Packard Club Western Regions tour  - May 18-21 - hosted by the Silver Circle – Nevada Club.  It will be in and around Minden, NV and the Lake Tahoe area.

-          Howard indicated that the September tour is very overbooked.  We may have to “thin the herd” since he’s not sure additional accommodations can be had. 

Membership Report:     

-          No news

Webmaster Report:        Nothing reported.

Publications Report:

-          Dave Charvet reported that instead of alternating the Hood Release with the Oregon Clipper every other quarter, he will be producing one of each every quarter with modified content to suit each club.  This year’s first editions should be out later this month.

Old Business: 

-          Dave Walmer and Howard spoke about the Clarey Tour.

-          Dave Charvet spoke about the old car hobby and that young kids do, in fact, have an interest in antique cars and he believes they will eventually be in the market.

New Business:

-          Bill introduced Joe Block to the group.  Joe filled us in briefly about his life and cars.

-          John and Matt spoke about the Forest Grove Concours which is on track for July 16th and 17th this year.  As a new add, there will also be a concert at Elk Cove Winery on Friday the 15th with a limit of 100 cars. 

-          Larry suggested that we add the list of both sets of officers in each of our rosters.  The list for both is included in the Brake Cables every month, but the Packard Club roster is already published.  The plan is to add it next year.

-          Dave brought up a question about insurance.  Howard indicated that we are insured by the national for our events with the CCCA and not sure what the scoop is with the Packard Club.  Howard will check.

-          John brought up the vaccination issue and whether things had settled down enough now with Covid that we could start allowing our non-vaccinated member to again participate in club events.  After some discussion with input from several, it was decided that we would allow those folks to attend outdoor events and to please wear a mask around other members.

-          Paul Lawson asked if it was our practice to send thank you cards after events to those that hosted them – such as Tom Clarey for example.  While it has been done, it is not standard practice, but will be for the future. 


-          John Imlay did a presentation on the current PDX Airport expansion.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.